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Was Game of Thrones Ending Disappointed ?

We Haven’t Been Bored By A Game Of Thrones Episode Since Bran Had His Billionth Dream About A Raven Back In Season 3 Or Something.

It Was Significantly Better If Only Because *Other People* Seemed To Enjoy The Slapstick And The Murder Of A Lead Female Character.  We Have Defended D&D This Entire Season. We Like To Think I Recognize It When Writers Don’t Care About Logic But At Least Love The Characters And Their Journey To Have The Story Stay True To Them.

This Episode Wasn’t Written By Two People Who Love The Characters And Say Farewell. It Was Written By People Who Would Rather Burn Them To The Ground Than Give Them To Someone Else.

I Knew That If Arya Survived Her West Of Westeros Comment Was Only There For Her Endgame. But It Didn’t Make It Any Less Random. I Love What It Means For Her Character, How She Is Fearless And On Her Own, I Do Not Love How She Didn’t Even Bother Telling Sansa And Appears To Not Plan On Coming Back Ever. Just Like Every Other Storyline, The End Itself Was Beautiful Enough. The Road Leading Up To It Was Paved With Disinterest.

I always knew that Jon if he survived would go beyond the Wall again. But I didn’t realize the only consequence of his murder of Daenerys Targaryen would result in a “nobody’s happy” political compromise of him being sent to the Wall.

I Knew That If Arya Survived Her West Of Westeros Comment Was Only There For Her Endgame. But It Didn’t Make It Any Less Random. I Love What It Means For Her Character, How She Is Fearless And On Her Own, I Do Not Love How She Didn’t Even Bother Telling Sansa And Appears To Not Plan On Coming Back Ever. Just Like Every Other Storyline, The End Itself Was Beautiful Enough. The Road Leading Up To It Was Paved With Disinterest.
I always knew that Jon if he survived would go beyond the Wall again. But I didn’t realize the only consequence of his murder of Daenerys Targaryen would result in a “nobody’s happy” political compromise of him being sent to the Wall.
I’m glad they at least tried to give Grey Worm some weight by having him demand justice for his queen, but was he not ordered by her to kill all her enemies in this very episode? Why are Tyrion and Jon still alive long enough for the lords and ladies to rally their armies and threaten the Unsullied?
Doesn’t matter. This episode was too busy cracking jokes about the audience and have Tyrion give endless speeches about the audience to really have a plot. This entire episode bathed in self-praise.
No jail breaks, no public executions, no logic in Bran’s powers, not even giving Daenerys the respect of having a final speech that referenced her thought process over the years. While having the audacity to laugh off notions of democracy because we’re “so realistically medieval”. There was no consistent meaning, no message, no morale, not even a decent enough final tension in the episode. There were scenes that went on for ever. The Daenerys is a literal actual femininazi, the devil imagery, the multitude of dude bro’s who get a happy ending while Meera/Gilly and even Yara and Brienne are all but forgotten.
And then there’s just the general direction of the episode with an unnecessarily awfully edited final montage as the cherry on top.
Fair enough, the moments of emotions that were there were amazing. Tyrion crying over his brother and his sister. Drogon carrying his mother away. Jon hugging Sansa and Arya. But they were also in short supply and largely due to VFX team, Ramin Djawadi and the actors themselves. The few classic D&D character beats that were there (for example Jon questioning if what he did was right or only considering killing Daenerys when Tyrion brings up his sisters) were entirely centered on Jon and Tyrion and no one else.
You were all right, I was wrong. D&D hate this show and wrote the final season badly. The only reason the other episodes were good apparently was because they weren’t directed by them.

For my own emotions and investment in this show I’ll remember the fond moments of the finale and treasure them. But I’m so glad the final hour came and went.

I don’t want to put any more energy and love into the finale than D&D did. Which apparently, was zero to none.


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